Keir Starmer is a former Chief Prosecutor whose “entire” career has been about “securing justice for those that need it”, according to the Labour Party website.

Just some of his previous work includes representing people on death row as a human rights lawyer, to working on setting up the Northern Ireland Police Board in the wake of the Good Friday agreement.

In his political career, Keir was first elected to Parliament in 2015 at the age of 52.

He continues to serve as the member for Holborn and St Pancras, where he has lived for many years with his family.

Shortly after Keir was elected, he became Shadow Immigration Minister from 2015 until 2016 and Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union from 2016 until 2020.

In April 2020, Keir was then selected as the leader of the Labour Party - winning 56% of the vote in the first round.

How did Keir Starmer become a Sir?

Before becoming leader of the opposition, in 2002 Keir became Queen’s Counsel (QC) and co-head of Doughty Street Chambers.

It was just after his time as a human rights lawyer (2008 to 2013) that he became a Sir.

He was awarded the knighthood in 2014 for his work as head of the CPS and director of Public Prosecutions - a tradition for those in this role, reports The Independent.

Just some of the reasons cited for the honour were his services for “law and criminal justice”.

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What does the Labour Party stand for?

The Labour Party says it has a “long-term plan to get Britain’s future back” and has outlined its efforts in “five fully funded national missions” such as:

  • Get Britain building again
  • Switch on Great British Energy
  • Get the NHS back on its feet
  • Take back our streets
  • Break down barriers to opportunity

Read more about each of Labour’s missions on the party's official website.