An uninsured e-scooter has been seized after a short pursuit where the rider rode away from officers.

The incident happened in Cornard Road in Sudbury on Saturday, October 12. 

Officers encountered a male on an e-scooter who used it to get away. 

He was located a short distance away and issued with a traffic offence report for road traffic offences. 

The vehicle was seized and taken to a recovery agent with a spokesman for the police stating it would cost the owner in excess of £150 to be released.

READ MORE: Unknown males spotted leaving scene of garage break-in

E-scooters are classed as mechanically propelled vehicles and using one on a road or public place without insurance is an offence.

A spokesman for the police continued: "We are aware how these types of vehicles blight Sudbury and cause anti-social behaviour when not used legally.

"Officers will continue to deal with offences involving anti-social behaviour driving to make Sudbury and the surrounding areas as safe for everyone."