Outline plans for six homes on the edge of a village have been refused after they were described as an "intrusion into the open countryside". 

Proposals to build six homes to the west of Bury Road in Lavenham, near Sudbury, were submitted to Babergh District Council in February. 

The applicant said the plans would contribute to a housing shortfall in the area, as well as "generate a benefit" for local businesses.

Sudbury Mercury: Bury Road in LavenhamBury Road in Lavenham (Image: Google Maps)

Documents on the Babergh District Council website present concerns surrounding the impact the development would have on the countryside. 

An officer's report said: "The proposal would harm the character and appearance of the area by reason of its intrusion into the open countryside, reducing the sense of openness on approach to the village, diminishing the contribution that the appeal site makes to the village’s rural setting."

It is the second application for six homes on the site, after similar plans were refused in 2023. 

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A planning statement states the previous proposal, which is currently being appealed, was refused as a result of "alleged poor connectivity".

The applicant disputes this claim, believing it is close to a range of amenities which residents can use.

An adjacent path which runs past the proposed development is highlighted by the applicant.

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The planning statement added: "The fact that the application site is in the countryside but nevertheless well connected should not be a determinative factor in the disposal of this application. 

"The proposal is therefore located as to enable future occupiers access to local services and facilities.

"The development does not represent an encroachment into open countryside; instead, the proposal effectively represents a positive infill between existing development.

"The development would provide for six no. new dwellings, making effective use of land and supporting housing needs. It would support the vitality of the village."