A property developer has been served a breach of condition notice after failing to meet deadlines for the completion of a road in west Suffolk.

West Suffolk Council has served Persimmon Homes a formal breach of condition notice in relation to the Haverhill Relief Road.

The road, which is being built from A143 roundabout to the central roundabout, was initially meant to be completed in March 2023, but deadlines were pushed back to the spring of 2024, then September 2024 and more recently to the end of this year. 

Persimmon has said it is "fully committed to the delivery" of the project and apologised for the delays.

The breach of condition notice is a formal warning to Persimmon that if it misses future deadlines again, it could face court proceedings and an unlimited fine. 

An additional Breach of Condition Notice is also being issued over Persimmon’s failure to complete a play area and public open space on time, West Suffolk Council said.

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Jim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk Council, said: “We have seen delay after delay and excuse after excuse. I am frustrated, annoyed and disappointed by this latest delay by the developers."

Sudbury Mercury: Jim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk CouncilJim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk Council (Image: Newsquest)

He added: "We know how important this relief road is to the community and to the sustainable growth of the town and we want it delivered without further setback. Through serving this notice, our expectation is this delay will be the last."

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A spokesperson for Persimmon Homes said: “We are fully committed to the delivery of the Haverhill Relief Road and would like to apologise to residents for the delay. We are working as quickly as possible to complete the road despite several significant challenges outside of our control."

“Throughout this process, we have also sought to work constructively with West Suffolk and Suffolk County Council, as well as our contractors Cadent, who are undertaking the complex gas diversion works.

“Despite these relationships, it is disappointing to learn of the council’s decision to issue breach of condition notices through the media.

"As we are yet to receive either notice from West Suffolk Council, we are unable to provide any further comment on the detail.”