A Bures widow who opened her garden to 450 visitors for the first time last year has described her excitement as this year's event draws closer. 

Anne Vango, of The New Cut, got involved in the Bures Open Gardens for the first time in 2023 following the sudden death of her husband, David, the previous year. 

"I had 450 people last year, a lot of them from the village, and they didn't even know know this little cottage existed," she said.

Sudbury Mercury: Anne Vango, of The New CutAnne Vango, of The New Cut (Image: Jenny Tanner)

"It was such a success and I had such a wonderful two days last time. I saw people from school I hadn't seen since our school days and I am nearly 82." 

Mrs Vango, who has lived in Bures her whole life and attended school in the village along with her husband, said she focused on gardening to "give her something to do" after her husband's death.

"I have always been a gardener, all of my family are gardeners," she said.

Sudbury Mercury: Anne's garden last yearAnne's garden last year (Image: Jenny Tanner)

"I have had a very busy life with working, children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren.

"I lost my husband suddenly about 18 months ago and we were all absolutely devastated because it was so sudden.

"I decided last year I would get involved to give me something to do and opened the garden.

"All the family when they come over do little jobs for me, it is a family thing really." 

Sudbury Mercury: Poster for this year's open garden eventPoster for this year's open garden event (Image: Jenny Tanner)

She said she hopes her garden can be a 'place of tranquillity' for visitors and added that she can't wait for this year's open garden event. 

The Bures Open Garden will take place on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. 

The first event took place in 1985 and was organised to raise money for St Mary's Church in Bures.

Half of the proceeds from the event are given to the church and the other half is donated to a local charity which, in the past, have included the likes of St Nicholas and St Helena Hospices and Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.