The latest hotspots of Japanese knotweed in Suffolk have been revealed. 

The invasive species is currently "thriving" ahead of its usual growing period due to warmer and wetter weather this winter, experts have said. 

Japanese knotweed can grow up to four inches a day and forms dense thickets which can kill native plant species. 

Sudbury Mercury: Cases of Japanese knotweed in IpswichCases of Japanese knotweed in Ipswich (Image: Environet)

Data from Environet shows which areas are currently seeing a break out of the species. 

Ipswich topped the rankings with 57 occurrences reported within 4km of the north of the town.

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Another 45 cases were reported to the south of the town, while almost 50 reports came from areas to the west of Ipswich, such as Sproughton and Bramford.

Twenty-six cases were reported in the Lowestoft area, while a further 20 reports were received in Stowmarket. 

Eight cases were also received in Haverhill, Bury St Edmunds and Long Melford. 

Daniel Docking, Property Care Association invasive weed control group technical manager, said: “We can still expect late season frosts and dry weather in March and April, but Japanese knotweed has already started to establish itself and the resilience of the plant will mean it is in a strong position to thrive.

“At the moment many plants are doing well due to the weather conditions, including native species.

“But we’d still suspect the temperature to drop, meaning many plants will slow down their growth pattern.

“However, Japanese knotweed will be largely unaffected by these changes and that means it can start to dominate environments, with more opportunities to spread.”