A squatter at a Suffolk pub was tasered after he threatened bailiffs and police officers with pieces of a pool cue when they tried to evict him, a court has heard.

Sudbury Mercury: The Highbury Barn pub in Great Cornard in years gone byThe Highbury Barn pub in Great Cornard in years gone by (Image: Archant)

David Vernon refused to let bailiffs into the Highbury Barn pub in Great Cornard on May 22, 2014 and in addition to threatening them with two halves of a pool cue he was verbally abusive to them.

In film footage of the incident played at Ipswich Crown Court on Friday, Vernon could be heard screaming at the bailiffs and police officers to go away and leave him alone.

During the footage he shouts at officers who threaten to taser him when he refuses to calm down: “You will kill me with that taser as I’ve got heart problems.”

Vernon, 46, of no fixed address, appealed on Friday to a judge and two magistrates at Ipswich Crown Court against his conviction and sentence in March last year for an offence of using threatening words and behaviour with intent to cause fear of violence.

Vernon, who was given a six-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months, did not attend the hearing and his appeal, which was dismissed, was heard in his absence.

Scott Hines, a High Court enforcement officer, told the court he went to the pub in Canhams Road, Great Cornard, which is now a shop, accompanied by 10 to 15 police officers to serve an enforcement writ.

He said that when he said he had come to take possession of the pub Vernon was verbally aggressive and refused to open the door.

Entry was gained to the pub with a sledgehammer and when Mr Hines entered the building he saw Vernon brandishing pieces of a pool cue.

He said Vernon was eventually handcuffed and removed from the building by four police officers.